Monday, May 3, 2010

Chapter 2.....chair #1

Chapter 2 of “chair #1”

My son, David, gave me this chair after I went through three in two years. I have gotten so large and sit in the chair so much, that my weight really did a job on them. David found a real comfy one for me that promises to hold my weight and it has! Hooray! Money well spent and I thank him for it, again. Well, silently just about every day I thank him. It can roll on the carpet with ease too, which is great, as those plastic things that go under the chairs on the floor would end up like they were shredded strips in no time at all. I know, I tried it once!

My chair has seen so many wonderful things happen on the computer when I do genealogy. Ah, genealogy, my staff of life as I really think that it literally has saved my life over the last 10 plus years. I have met some of the nicest people in the whole world by doing genealogy. Hmm, that’s rather a funny sentence if you think about it …..met people by looking up dead people!!

I guess you could say I started out being really involved with genealogy when I transferred my DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) membership up here to Utah from where I was a member down in Hemet, Ca. I was involved more in the lecture/seminar part of it with my “Cemetery Research and Gravestone Rubbing “ and “Collecting and Preserving Memorabilia” talks down there.

A wonderful man in Hemet gave me a four volume set of books on Middlesex, Ma. families from the inception of the county to 1908 when the books were published. Those books have been the nicest gift I have ever received. I am really fortunate to have them as the copies people have, won’t let go of them.

After becoming really involved with the DAR ladies I ended up eventually making my personal web pages with the encouragement and tremendous help of a lady. I met Ginny over the Internet doing DAR look-ups using their Patriot books with her being one to inquire about a name she was searching. One thing led to another and I put look-up information on my web pages using those books. After that, my life really got busy and I love it.

I was found by a 90 year old man’s family and he lives down in So. Calif so close to where we did, we could have visited had we known we were 7th cousins!! His family found us via my web pages. He and his wife stopped by last year on their way to Idaho to visit that daughter and family and he was driving! What a neat visit we had. My brother Fred was here from Maine at the time too so it was extra neat. We had a lot of laughs and looked at each other palms. Okay, none of us are palm readers but it seems that some of the Bancroft’s have the same lines in our palms. Straight across from one side to the other with no break. Sure enough we three had them! Betcha you are looking at your hands about now. hehee

p.s. My bleeding heart plant is in full bloom…not very big but with beautiful blooms


  1. That is so neat how you got to meet. The internet has made the world so much smaller and accessible. It really is amazing. I'm so glad that geneology has taken your life into a new journey by helping others find their roots. It's a great thing to do service for others and helping them find where they come from.

    I'm also thankful David got you your chair! If it wasn't for your chair I wouldn't have been able to reconnect with you so for that I am truly grateful.
    (the bleeding hearts are beautiful!)

  2. Thanks Kay for your thoughtful words of encouragement. I just wish I knew how to put things where I want them and a bunch of other stuff. In time, I hope I learn.
